Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day One:

You know I went on a carb overload last night so I could gracefully start my new plan today. My stomach is paying for it though. So far it's been a success. The whole 15 hours I have been on it. I woke up and did some cardio this morning. My birkham yoga pass is slowly going to waste, but tomorrow is the day. Waking up at 5 a.m. is just rough.

Try Try Again

Okay so obviously that little motivation inspiration uplift feeling that you get the night before you start something big faded real quick. Why is living a healthy lifestyle sooo hard? I know it's what is best for me, I know I need to do it, but it's so much easier to eat the yummy unhealthy food and be lazy.
Do you ever start out the day feeling like you can conquer the world and then by the end of the day all you can think about is that delicious cookie that is sitting on the counter? For some reason that is where my mind has been lately so it's time to get out of the slump. I have one month till I start my summer counseling job and I'm deeming it the get healthy mind, body and soul month. Catchy title. Not. It just needs to happen. Some days I am going to hate it, but I know in the end I will be doing the woota woot woot dance while I am buying a new pair of jeans that fit just right.

The plan: I don't want to be hungry, cranky and hating life. This isn't a get quick fix. I want to build back the habits I had before college. So I created a chart to check off each day. The trick is that I get paid for the successes and I have to pay for the failures (harsh word). The money I get goes towards rewards or to new clothes!

I decided to make things even more interesting by challenging my mom. We each will buy a 2 hour massage deal that is scheduled for two and half weeks from today. If neither of us break our spree of healthiness then we get a massage. If I break it, I have to pay for hers and visa versa. In the end we both get massages so that is a plus. Good thing I can't afford to buy two massages so not breaking down is a must.